Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I'm not talking about the popping kind, but the kind that curled up in my lap and left half of her coat on my pants when she got up. The kind that always met us at the door when we got home with a wagging tail and a gaping, panting mouth that I swear was always curled up into a smile. The kind that was my first "Baby" and that I brought home on a snowy January evening in our first year of marriage. The kind that howled like a hound dog when strangers walked up the driveway and licked them to death when they left. The kind that I will forever miss and cherish every moment I had with.. We miss you, Bubbles...

November 10, 1995-July 28,2008


jennifer said...

I tagged you in my blog.

Check it out to find out more!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Bubbles well, but I knew her. They ARE family....

PS. Now that you're blogging you know what the next step is? FACEBOOK! Deeper and deeper into the internet maze....