1. Captain Crunch
2. "Peanut Jelly Samiches"
3. Tacos
4. McNuggets
5. Chocolate Bunnies
Two weeks ago my little picky eater started Kindergarten. Granted she is homeschooled so we didn't have to go through the drama of sending her to a school, but there is a still a bit of melancholy involved in thinking that the baby of our family is now considered school aged.
I have always enjoyed documenting all of my kids firsts (as well as the seconds, thirds, fourths, and everything in between) in photos. I remember taking this picture like it was yesterday. It was the first time I caught her smiling on camera. I remember I had been trying to snap a shot of this for two weeks but it never failed, as soon I as pulled the camera out she would put her smile away. She was almost 10 weeks before I finally caught that sweet little grin.
I caught the first time she lifted her head.
And when she started pulling up and "cruising the house."
We made sure we got her first expression of when she tasted solid food and veggies. As you can tell she didn't like them back then either.
We most certainly had to get a shot of her (and this is a big one) in her first smocked dress!
We covered the first time we took her to the zoo...
Her first swim. She loved and still loves the water!...
Her first birthday...
And when she began to walk.
School seem like such a long time away. We loved having her as the baby and she was so tiny and petite and so very, very loved. Still is!
We caught several others firsts as she continued to grow.
Her first fishing trip...
Here's her first jump off a diving board. She has always been such a brave little thing. I think having two older brothers has really helped her here!
Her first swim in the ocean...
Her first night in a "big girl" bed...
And her first haircut...
School still felt so far away and she still in many ways felt like a baby. Next thing I know, time sneaked up on us and it's her first day in kindergarten. Wow! Time has flown and she and my sweet boys are growing up so very and way too fast!
Pretty much my entire life I have been a milk chocolate kind of girl. I love the stuff. Could possibly eat it for breakfast, lunch & dinner everyday. Lately, however, a good piece of quality dark chocolate has been such a treat and change from the norm. It's sweet bitterness has such a full and substantial flavor. I am really coming to enjoy it!
I suppose now that my kids are getting bigger I am realizing that even though a wonderful part of my life is over, (the diapers, kids having a nap time, baby food jars, and Binky nursing babies part - the sweet, milk chocolate part of my life), a whole new wonderful part of my life is just beginning. Its certainly not what I am used to. I have had, after all, a baby/toddler in my home for the past decade. This new part of having all elementary aged kids is a bit unusual, but not in a bad way. It's just different.
Sometimes I long for those precious baby days. I guess that's why experiencing this new part of life is somewhat bitter. Do I mourn for those days? Honestly, I would say yes. Sometimes. But it is overwhelming laced with the sweetness of joy for the present and days to come. Just like dark chocolate.
So MY lists of 5 favorites over the years have changed.
My list ten years ago would have been:
1. Rocking babies in the middle of the night.
2. The tiny clothes, diapers, and itty-bitty shoes.
3. All the firsts of the first year.
4. Watching Da hubby read the Bible over sleeping babies.
5. Milk Chocolate Bunnies.
My 5 favorites list now:
1. Hearing my kids sing praises to their Maker without being prompted to do so.
2. Watching my kids conquer fears and putting their trust in their Savior.
3. Walking hand in hand with Da Hubby behind our kids who are walking hand in hand.
4. Having the privilege of being able to teach my kids at home.
5. Dark Chocolate Bunnies.
What a beautiful and precious post :)
They do grow up too fast..it's the sorrow of a chapter ending, but the excitement of a new one starting.
I used be a milk chocolate girl too.. but now I have more of a hankerin' for the dark :)
Hugs.. and so loved reading your momma's heart... precious Perri :)
Sonya...how precious! Loved this post:)
such a sweet post. i'm already dreading Kinley's first day of kindergarten! I hope I can have as sweet a perspective on all the changes as you do :)
Great post! And I'll testify that it keeps getting better as they keep getting bigger. I always think "This is it. This is as good as it gets", but it's not been true yet. It's all about enjoying where you are right now! Way to go!
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